In the latest installment of Won’t You Be My Neighbor? we take a closer look at the Valverde neighborhood which is enclosed by Federal and I-25 and 6th Ave and Alameda Ave as shown by the map above. It also lists the homes sold in the last 90 days as well as the current actives for sale. This table provides statistics for these homes. The median list/average price is $225,000/$243,570 which is much lower than the figures for MLS in general.
However, even these prices are much higher than they were just a few years ago. The average age (not shown) of homes is about 75 years and have generally not been updated. I do see that redevelopment in the area will, like many neighborhoods surrounding Downtown Denver, keep trending values to unaffordable heights. Below is a chart detailing the monthly median values jumping back and forth $100,000 less than they do now.
Contact Rogelio to sell of find your home in Valverde!