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Is the Walk Score® important to you?
  Have you even heard about this walking score? This score is now provided on every listing in Metrolist.Thecompany Walking Score®, according to its website, “measures the walkability of any address using a patent-pending system. For each address, Walk Score analyzes hundreds of walking routes to nearby amenities. Points are awarded based on the distance to amenities in each category. Amenities within a 5 minute walk (.25 miles) are given maximum points. A decay function is used to give points to more distant amenities, with no points given after a 30 minute walk.”  They use other sources such as Google, Education.com, Open Street Map, the U.S. Census and  Localeze as factors.

More and more data supports that people desire living in places with shorter commutes, more public transportation options and access to bike paths. This is a great tool for buyers to compare properties and for sellers to research their current homes and see if they have a high walk score. The Walk Score®   website also includes the scores for walking, biking and mass transit.

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