720-724-8187 rogelio@vidabroker.com
MMA Helps Homebuyers

MMA Helps Homebuyers

No, MMA is not the mixed martial arts competition put on by UFC. MMA Plus is the Metro Mortgage Assistance  program that provides a grant of 4% towards your down payment and closing costs of your purchase. It does not need to be paid back and you don’t need to...
Valverde (Denver)

Valverde (Denver)

In the latest installment of Won’t You Be My Neighbor?  we take a closer look at the Valverde neighborhood which is enclosed by Federal and I-25 and 6th Ave and Alameda Ave as shown by the map above. It also lists the homes sold in the last 90 days as well as...
Real Estate and Your Health

Real Estate and Your Health

  I was inspired to write about the connection between where you live and your health after sharing an article about this from Colorado Public Radio. You can read the article by clicking here.   It’s one of those things that it makes sense intuitively but...
No Sea el Señor Barriga

No Sea el Señor Barriga

¿Ha pensado en el uso de su casa como una propiedad de inversión? Debido a bajas tasas de interés y más programas que le permite utilizar los programas de propiedad de vivienda sin ser un primer comprador de casa de tiempo, podría ser una buena oportunidad para que...
Is the Walk Score® important to you?

Is the Walk Score® important to you?

  Have you even heard about this walking score? This score is now provided on every listing in Metrolist.Thecompany Walking Score®, according to its website, “measures the walkability of any address using a patent-pending system. For each address, Walk Score...
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